
Guidance and counseling is a form of service in helping students' problems related to their developmental tasks. Among the students' problems at this school are learning problems, whether it is related to the low mastery of students on the subject matter, so that they do not reach the KKM standard (minimum completeness criteria). One of the instruments used is AUM PTSDL (Prerequisites for mastery of subject matter, learning skills, socio-emotional, personal self and environment). It's just that this instrument becomes less effective, because the implementation of filling out the PTSDL AUM with the delivery of results is too long, so that the accuracy of student problems changes and the accuracy of Guidance and counseling services also changes. 
 This research aims to analyze the implementation of AUM PTSDL at SMKN 4 Kepahiang. This research uses field research, with a qualitative descriptive approach. With in-depth interviews to get information, explanations, and some informations. 
 Based on the results of the research, the administration of AUM PTSDL at SMKN 4 has been carried out well, starting from preparation, implementation, processing of results, interpretation of services that match student problems. The obstacle encountered was processing results using a manual system and taking a long time, so that sometimes student problems have changed, so that they no longer match the AUM results, in addition to the difficulty of interpreting the PTSDL AUM results for suitable Guidance and counseling services.

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