espanolEl brazo de Mompox, se localiza en inmediaciones al corregimiento de Cantera, municipio de Margarita (Bolivar), donde se han presentado desastres naturales relacionados con inundaciones, afectando vidas humanas, estructuras y zonas agropecuarias. El objetivo de la investigacion, es identificar y analizar las areas de amenaza y vulnerabilidad por inundacion del Brazo de Mompox (Rio Magdalena). La metodologia consistio en toma de informacion en campo y analisis espaciales, a traves de batimetria, medidas de la superficie del agua y caudal del rio; para la evaluacion de amenaza y vulnerabilidad se realizo un mapa de uso del suelo mediante clasificacion supervisada de imagenes satelitales de alta resolucion verificadas con la metodologia de cobertura de tierras del IGAC (Instituto Geografico Agustin Codazzi); se calculo el comportamiento hidrodinamico con el software Hec-Ras, exponiendo las areas inundables en periodos de retorno de 5, 10, 20, 50 y 100 anos; mostrando las zonas de vulnerabilidad y amenaza a la que esta sometida el sector. Concluyendose, que el brazo de Mompox y sus interconexiones con cuerpos de agua cercanos favorecen el incremento del nivel de agua, debido a que el nivel freatico asciende sobresaturando el suelo, generando inundaciones; el area con amenaza alta, es de 792,28 hectareas equivalente a un 39,61% del area total. El porcentaje de viviendas con vulnerabilidad alta es de 76%. La ganaderia es una de las principales actividades economicas, ocupando un area aproximada de 101, 29 hectareas equivalente a 18,60% del area total de estudio y posee una vulnerabilidad alta. EnglishThe Mompox’s Branch, is located in close to the county of Cantera , municipality of Margarita (Bolivar), where there have been natural disasters related to floods, affecting human lives, structures and agricultural areas. The objective of the research is to identify and analyze the areas of threat and vulnerability due to flooding in the Mompox’s branch (Magdalena River). The methodology consisted of taking information in the field and spatial analysis, through bathymetry, measurements of the water surface and river flow; For the evaluation of threat and vulnerability, a land use map was made by supervised classification of high-resolution satellite images verified with the land cover methodology of the IGAC (Agustin Codazzi Geographical Institute); The hydrodynamic behavior was calculated with the Hec-Ras software, exposing the flooded areas in return periods of 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 years; showing the areas of vulnerability and threat to which the sector is subjected. Concluding, that the Mompox branch and its interconnections with nearby bodies of water favor an increase in the water level, due to the fact that the water table rises supersaturating the soil, generating floods; the area with high threat is 792.28 hectares, equivalent to 39.61% of the total area. The percentage of homes with high vulnerability is 76%. Lives tock is one of the main economic activities, occupying an approximate area of 101.29 hectares, equivalent to 18.60% of the total study area and has a high vulnerability.
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