
The goal is to substantiate the current state of agro-industrial complex of the Akmola region, identify the main trends, and determine promising directions for its development. Methods - economic-statistical, analytical. Results show the share of gross regional product (GRP) in the gross domestic product of the republic, the dynamics of gross production (GP) of agriculture in the region, the gross harvest and yield of main agricultural crops, the number of livestock and poultry in all categories of farms, including cattle, sheep and goats, pigs, horses and poultry, volumes of meat and milk processing. A comprehensive study made it possible to identify the problems hindering the development of agro-industrial production in the region, these are, first of all, the small-scale production of economic entities, the majority of farmers and personal subsidiary farms in the total volume of gross agricultural output, the low level of processing of raw materials - their low quality, the insufficient level of utilization of processing facilities enterprises. Conclusions – measures have been proposed to modernize the region’s agro-industrial complex, aimed at the widespread dissemination of agricultural cooperation; development of meat and dairy subcomplexes, processing industry, provision of the population with food products of own production, improvement of state and market regulation of agricultural sectors. The agro-industrial complex also plays a significant social role, solving issues of food supply for the entire country and a certain In addition, it is a guarantor of employment and the main source of income for residents. The effectiveness of its activities contributes to an increase in the number of jobs, an increase in cultivated areas, an increase in the financial stability of manufacturing enterprises, an increase in the volume of product exports and the creation of an export-oriented commodity distribution infrastructure.

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