
Turkey became a homeland for the asylum seekers who were denationalized and declared stateless ‘heimatlos’ and came to Turkey as refugees from the Nazi Government during the World War II by including them in the country development. During the same period, one of the basic training problems in the agenda of Turkey was ‘the University Reform’. Darulfunun, which Abdulhamid II founded in 1900, was insufficient to achieve the objectives of the republic. Ataturk invited Professor of Pedagogy Albert Malche from Geneva University to Turkey to prepare a report. When Prof. Malche, presented the detailed assessment report he prepared after his observations, Ataturk had the report, which included the closure of Darulfunun, the elimination of academicians far from the contemporary science and art, the establishment of a disciplined education system with the academicians imported from abroad and educating academic members, approved and it was carried into practice. Professor Malche communicated with some academicians in order to be assigned in the n Among these scholars who were assigned in the construction of Turkish music institutions by being reformed, Licco Amar, (music lecturer at Ankara State Conservatory), Carl Ebert (director at Ankara State Conservatory and State Theatre), Paul Hindemith (violinist and composer, Founder of Ankara State Conservatory), Eduard Zuckmayer (employed first at Music Teacher Training School, then at Music Department in Gazi Teacher Training Institute) were important musicians.n Those academicians were assigned in all areas.

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