
The article highlights the problem of the formation of music education in Slobozhanshchyna in the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries in the context of studying the general trends of cultural and educational development of the region. Based on the analysis of the results of previous studies, it has been proved that the development of music education in Ukraine in the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries has been revealed in scientific publications. At the same time, it has been established that the problem of highlighting the main milestones and ways of institutionalization of music education in Slobozhanshchyna (Sloboda region) through the creation of special educational institutions of vocational music, as well as substantiation of opportunities to use cultural and educational experience at the turn of the century and raising children in the modern education system, requires further research and practical implementation. The aim of the article is to reveal the experience of formation and development of the system of music education in Slobozhanshchyna in the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries in terms of analyzing the activities of music education centers and identifying ways of its modern use. The authors have used a set of research methods: system-structural and historical-genetic methods to assess the cultural situation in the region; general research methods to organize and generalize theoretical views of historical facts, clarify the problem in the dynamics, substantiate the main historical milestones; study of historical literature, archival, statistical, normative documents in order to generalize the practical experience of music education in educational institutions of the region. It has been found that the identity of cultural traditions of ethnic groups of Slobozhanshchyna has determined the specifics of the development of music education in the region, revealed the features of cultural and musical life in the region, the spread of private music education, public associations and creative associations (Kharkiv Society of Choral Singers, Music and Charity Kharkiv Music Group, Church Singing Society), the development of music education, which proved to be an important basis for the development and institutionalization of music education. The activity of music classes, evening classes at music classes, Sunday courses, the work of which was aimed at training church choir singers and music teachers, created under the auspices of public societies, is essential for the institutionalization of music education in Slobozhanshchyna. In the context of research of regional problems and difficulties of music education development, in particular concerning primary stage of work of Kharkiv music school in the studied period, the big role of the known music figure, teacher and the inspirer of process of institutionalization of music education in Slobozhanshchyna I. Slatin has been allocated. Based on the analysis of historical and pedagogical literature we have revealed the main milestones in the process of institutionalization of music education, identified a variety of forms of such education in the region (music classes, private music lessons, music lectures, courses for singers, performers and regents); the experience of creation of the first institution of music education in Slobozhanshchyna – music school has been analyzed, its activity has been characterized, the organizational conditions of activity of music school as the most important center of music education of youth in the region have been analyzed.


  • Данилюк Микола Миколайович кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри музично‐інструментальної підготовки вчителя Харківського національного педагогічного університету імені Г

  • Аналізуючи досвід діяльності першого у регіоні закладу професійно-музичної підготовки співаків, інструменталістів, композиторів, диригентів – музичного училища, відзначимо, що сьогодні значний науково-практичний інтерес становлять накопичені у його роботі ґрунтовні музично-культурні традиції і здобутки щодо налагодження плідної співпраці між музикантами професіоналами, талановитою молоддю та широкими колами громадськості

  • Based on the analysis of historical and pedagogical literature we have revealed the main milestones in the process of institutionalization of music education, identified a variety of forms of such education in the region; the experience of creation of the first institution of music education in Slobozhanshchyna – music school has been analyzed, its activity has been characterized, the organizational conditions of activity of music school as the most important center of music education of youth in the region have been analyzed. ■ Key words: professional music education, music classes, music school, music education, public associations, Slobozhanshchyna

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Данилюк Микола Миколайович кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри музично‐інструментальної підготовки вчителя Харківського національного педагогічного університету імені Г. У статті висвітлено проблеми становлення музичної освіти на Слобожанщині у другій половині ХІХ – на початку ХХ століть.

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