
To solve the problem of forming the academic culture of pianists, it is important to develop a diagnostic apparatus to identify the levels of formation of the academic culture of future pianists. This requires the selection of criteria and indicators that should perform diagnostic and evaluation functions. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the criteria, indicators, and levels of academic culture of pianists. Methods used: structural and logical analysis of the concept of "academic culture of future pianists", comparison and contrast to develop criteria and indicators, and comparison and contrast to characterize the levels of formation of the academic culture of pianists. The components of the academic culture of pianists are described: the value-oriented component (to musical art, to musical and pedagogical activity, to the personality of students and pupils), the professional and theoretical component (general and special about the ways and methods of specific activities, including musical, performing, pedagogical), professional and practical component (knowledge of musical art; perception, performance, creation of music, communication with artistic samples of culture), personal and creative component (conscious aspirations for creative self-realization in musical activity). The criteria for the formation of the academic culture of pianists (behavioral, knowledge, communication and activity, personal) and their corresponding indicators (value orientations, academic knowledge, ability to communicate effectively, need for achievement) are substantiated. Four levels of academic culture formation of future pianists are characterized (low (critical), intermediate (basic), above average (sufficient), and high (optimal)).

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