
In the article, the phenomenon of ecological culture is considered as part of the professional and pedagogical culture of a specialist in a preschool educational organization, the level of development of which is a criterion for assessing his creative self-realization in various types of professional and pedagogical activities, during which the development, transfer and creation of pedagogical values, technologies, creative experience activities. The author presents the generalized results of a study of the level of formation of the ecological culture of specialists in the field of preschool education, in which teachers of the Altai Territory took part. The model of the formation of ecological culture proposed by the author in the structure of professional and pedagogical culture reveals the content of the main components (cognitive, motivational-value, technological, personal-creative, reflective-evaluative) and can become the basis for developing a program of methodological support for teachers of preschool educational organizations in the process of forming them. ecological culture. The presented analysis of the components of ecological culture reveals it as an integrated psychological education. The totality of knowledge, abilities, skills, value orientations, volitional qualities, methods and techniques of pedagogical activity, reflexive abilities and pedagogical creativity acquire personal content in the structure of professional and pedagogical consciousness, form the motives of the teacher’s environmentally oriented activity. Ecological culture is part of the general and professional-pedagogical culture of a specialist in a preschool educational organization, acts as a condition for productive environmentally-oriented activities, an indicator of professional competence, the goal of professional self-development, and contributes to the creative self-realization of a teacher in professional activities.

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