
Introduction: The Government of India had notified Department of Hospital Administration (DoHA), Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences (SGPGIMS) as Program Study Center (PSC) to provide comprehensive training to selected candidates for Bridge Program on Certificate in Community Health Nursing. To fulfill a commitment, to assess the effectiveness of the assigned program, the PSC: DoHA, SGPGIMS endeavored to create a reliable, valid, and accurate assessment of program decisions and outcomes.Aim: The aim of the study was to assess the impact of an ongoing capacity building program for nursing staff on augmentation of Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice (KAP) of the trainees at PSC, SGPGIMS, Lucknow.Objectives:To ascertain the preintervention status of KAP among trainees of an ongoing capacity building program, through appropriately designed toolTo ascertain the postintervention status of KAP among trainees of an ongoing capacity building program, through appropriately designed toolTo recommend evidence-based modifiers, as feed-forward for the subsequent phases of the program, based on the analysis of the data thus obtained.Methodology: Interventional study.Results: Preintervention score: Knowledge – 68.5%, Attitude – 75.2%, Practice – 44.65%. Postintervention score: Knowledge – 86.846%, Attitude – 82.4%, and Practice – 51.15%. Increase: Knowledge – 18.346%, Attitude – 7.2%, and Practice-6.5%.Conclusion: The training program was successful in achieving a significant improvement in trainees' knowledge and awareness regarding delivery of comprehensive primary care services which was reflected as improvement and change in their attitude. The performance was better in the postinterventional phase as compared to preintervention. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to sustain the present and provide occasions for further improvement in the knowledge and skills to health-care providers as a measure for continuous quality improvement.

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