
Rail-guided vehicle is a logistics management device widely used to perform various material handling operations instead of manual labor. In processing scenarios, the dimensions of the material transfer path of a rail-guided vehicle are typically very large, which makes the optimization of the material transfer path very difficult. The transdifferentiation behavior of lower organisms was introduced into the evolutionary algorithm, and a large-scale differential evolution algorithm based on the transdifferentiation strategy was proposed, for achieving high-efficiency processing. This strategy makes it possible for some individuals with poor fitness to reach maturity again and be selected for the next iteration after losing some information and returning to their juvenile stage, which helps maintain the diversity of the population. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm not only achieves an average 25.68% higher output rate than the comparison algorithms on the test cases but also has an excellent and stable effect distribution level on the extended problem space, which shows that the superiority of the proposed algorithm is not affected by the processing parameters. This research is expected to provide technical guidance for the processing of key components in the ship and aviation manufacturing industries. The code with a 31-page manual is available on our project homepage https://github.com/MLNST-JUST/DE-TS.

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