
Roman de Fauvel conveys the turbulent politics of France during the reign of Philip IV (1268-1314) through poetry, music and painting. This thesis discusses how such political themes were expressed in paintings in Roman de Fauvel. Before discussing the paintings, a discussion of the two authors of Roman de Fauvel will examine the context in which they were created and their intentions. Because the manuscript was created from the perspective of Roman de Fauvel's alignment with political forces and criticism of his time. Based on this understanding, the painting techniques used in Roman de Fauvel to convey the intent of the work include the choice of colors according to the characters, Fauvel's imitation of the French royal family, and the use of anti-biographical techniques, which expose the fake as a clumsy imitation of the real thing. Through this study, we hope to get closer to the achievements of Roman de Fauvel, who achieved a complete fusion of literature, music, and painting.

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