
The purpose of this study is to analyze how Shin Yun-bok tried to change the perspective on pleasure through the paintings in his Hyewonjeonshincheop and how he used sound and silence in the conversion by examining the soundscape of pleasure in the album. Among the frequency of soundscape elements extracted from pictures and poems (111), the frequency of pleasure factor (58) was slightly more than half, and human sound (25) and social sound (26) accounted for the majority of pleasure sounds. The elements of the soundscape of pleasure are divided into “source of pleasure” and “enjoyment,” “pleasure of sense” and “pleasure dependent on association,” “sexual desire” and “entertainment,” and function to reinforce the theme of pleasure by letting us feel how much the characters are absorbed in pleasure, and to awaken other related senses and harmonize with them to experience pleasure synesthetically. As well described in the auditory images of Hyewonjeonshincheop, “status,” “oppressive system,” and “competition” at the time were obstacles to the pursuit of pleasure by the upper class. Shin Yun-bok tried to change the perspective on pleasure by treating “sexual desire” at the same level as “entertainment” and making people realize that there is no high or low in the pursuit of pleasure, and by dealing with the phenomenon of inversion that appears when the pursuit reaches its peak.

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