
The purposeof the study is to find out the role of mass media «throw-ins»of Russian propagandists during the 3rd period of the Russian-Ukrainian war of 2022–2023.Research methods.In the research, we used such theoretical methods as a comparative analysis of research related to the analyzed topic and hypothetical-deductive. They allowed us to understand the current situation more deeply. Among the practical methods, we chose surveys and quantitative and qualitative analysis of the obtained data.Research technique. 50 respondents aged 18 to 22 were surveyed using the Google Form electronic unit. There they answered 6 questions related to the mass media «throw-ins»of Russian propagandists, their role, and their influence on Ukrainians. After that, a quantitative and qualitative analysis was conducted based on theoretical knowledge and the obtained data.According to the results of the study, mass media «throw-ins»have little or no influence on young people aged 18–20. According to the observations of the interviewees, the concentration of «throw-ins»increased significantly with the beginning of a full-scale invasion. We also proved the hypothesis and can state that the spread of disinformation affects those who live in Ukraine more than those who live abroad. According to the respondents, their dissemination can pursue different goals, but they are all united by a common desire to harm Ukrainian society.Conclusions.Disappointment of Ukrainians in victory, intimidation of the population, provocation of a sensual reaction, imposition of a certain position, change of views, and substitution of information–the aggressor country is counting on all this, spreading its disinformation. So, mass media «throw-ins»perform a propaganda role in its negative aspect. Keywords:mass-media «throw-ins», Russian propaganda, disinformation.

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