
The purpose of the article is to find out the specifics of the feuilletons printed in the magazine "Kino" for 1926.Methodology.Descriptive, systematic methods, methods of analysis, synthesis, statistical methods, and hermeneutic methods were used in the research process. Information necessary for the coverage of the topic of the scientific article was recorded using the descriptive method. The content and form of feuilletons were comprehensively analyzed using the systematic method. The method of analysis made it possible to single out compositional techniques and elements, means of psychologism from the texts. The method of synthesis presents the functional features of the form-content elements. Thanks to the hermeneutic method, original interpretations of the analyzed texts are offered.Thanks to the statistical method, the quantitative ratio of the used compositional elements and techniques, psychological tools for modeling the images of the characters or the collective image of the audience was clarified.Research results. In 1926, 4 feuilletons were printed in the magazine "Kino", which discussed current problems, the emergence of which was caused by the specifics of the development of cinematography at that time, determined by cultural and socio-political factors.Conclusions. The topics and problems of the feuilletons are revealed more deeply with the help of creolization of the texts, in particular, it is about the use in all feuilletons of illustrations, which are characterized by multifunctionality, with text quotes. The plot of feuilletons, the compositional features of which are the division of texts into parts, the use of compositional framing, the compositional technique "story within a story", film advertising, and descriptions, is presented with the help of either extra-diegetic or homodiegetic narrators, as well as due to their contamination. To model the figurative system of feuilletons, the authors used various means of psychology, visual, sound, olfactory details, and artistic means that give feuilletons dynamism, and expressiveness, and increase the humorous and satirical effect.

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