
The purpose of the article is to conduct a theoretical analysis of the content, essence and functions of the mass media as an important part of the functioning of the political system of society; research on the interaction of government authorities and the mass media; features of the impact of the mass media on society and public administration. Such general scientific and special methods were used in order to reach the set goals: generalization method was used in order to reveal the theoretical and methodological foundations of the communicative interaction mechanisms in the public administration sphere; system method was used in order to reveal the conceptual foundations of communicative interaction in the public administration sphere; logical and dialectical methods, generalization method, method of complex and systemic approaches were used in order to improve certain definitions; logical method was used for theoretical generalization and formulation of conclusions and proposals. In accordance with the goals of the research: 1) on the basis of the theoretical analysis of the research field on the interaction of public administration authorities and the mass media, it was proved that public administration in modern society is impossible without an extensive system of communication; 2) it was established that in the conditions of transition to the information society the role and importance of mass media in the public processes, which take place in modern Ukraine, grow. At the same time, the subjects of public power become the subjects of the communicative process; 3) a theoretical analysis of the research field on the interaction of government authorities and the mass media, where the mass media is often seen not as a socially responsible business, but as a component of political capital or influence, was made; 4) it was established that the formation of the global communication space also affects the role and functions of the mass media; 5) features of the impact of the mass media on society and public administration were analyzed and concepts were singled out; 6) positive aspects of cooperation between the mass media and government authorities in terms of the term “interaction” were defined; 7) it was proved that the mass media is an important tool of public administration, which directly depends on the current political regime in the country; 8) it was established that the mass media is an integral part of the mechanism of democracy functioning, its values and normative principles as well as an important tool of public administration, but it directly depends on the existing political regime in the country. Openness and ensuring access of citizens to information on the activities of the government as well as the involvement of the population in the discussion of socially important information are crucial for the government. It was established that democratic transformations are possible only under the condition of wide openness of the society, publicity and freedom of speech, which would not give advantages to any political force in possession of the mass media. The author’s position on the definition of positive aspects of cooperation between the mass media and government authorities in terms of the term “interaction”. The article contains an original analysis of modern approaches to the peculiarities of the relationship between the government and the mass media, government authorities and the mass media as well as certain aspects of the functioning of the mass media in the processes of democratic transformations of Ukrainian society and legal regulation of state policy in the mass media sphere. The article can serve as a methodological and theoretical basis for further study of the mass media as a component of human communication; the mass media as a channel of manipulative influence on society; features of the functioning of the mass media in the period of transformation of modern Ukrainian society; as well as the role of the mass media in the process of forming the social and communication sphere of civil society.

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