
The article presents some aspects of the implementation of regional policy in order to enhance the development of regions through the formation of strategies as tools for strategic management of the region. Special emphasis is placed on the specifics of strategic planning of tourism development in a regional context, which is based on a strategic analysis of the current socio-economic situation of the region using social and economic evaluation criteria. The groups are identified and the characteristics of the economic development indicators of the regions are given, the specific characteristics inherent in regional tourism in the context of its strategic planning process are determined. All of the above processes create a new configuration of the spatial development of the country, through the formation of zones of advanced economic growth, including using the sectoral specialization of the regions. At the same time, the competitive advantage of the regions of the South of Russia is determined by the tourist vector of their development as the most promising. The article describes the cycle of strategic planning of regional tourism development, which includes a number of stages: determining the goals of tourism development in the region; analysis of the external and internal environment of the development of the region; development of a concept and development strategy; development of an industry development plan; analysis of efficiency and effectiveness, adjustment of goals and methods to achieve them. The approaches to strategic planning of the development of socio-economic objects from foreign practice are presented, based on a system of indicators that allow an objective assessment of the development of its potential, which are understood as a set of characteristics formalizing the description of the main parameters that provide the choice of the optimal variant of the system functioning at different stages of the strategy implementation. In addition, the normative legal acts of various levels regulating modern socio-economic relations in the tourism sector of the regions are given; macro and micro tools for the development of regional tourism on the example of the Republic of Crimea are defined.

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