
Introduction. The strategic goals of socio-economic development of the regions of Ukraine, which were set in numerous concepts, strategies, programs and other strategic documents, both at the state and regional levels, were not achieved. This is due to the lack of interconnectedness of these documents, the mechanism of control over their implementation and inconsistency with the real needs of the regions. Goal. The aim of the study is to reveal the organization of strategic planning of regional development in France, Germany, USA, Canada and Japan, which may become the basis for further, more thorough, strategic planning of regional development in Ukraine. Results. The creation and implementation of the French regional development strategy is seen as an ongoing process with an emphasis on restructuring the regions, maximizing their potential, supporting small and medium-sized businesses by coordinating the state plan with private business and coordinating their interests with the state. Considerable attention is paid to the ecological component of development at the meso level. The main requirements of strategic planning in Germany are: consensus of economic interests of major regional stakeholders; identification of specific participants in the strategic planning process, coordinators and users of the achieved results; establishing clear priorities in the development of the territory provided with resources; the adequacy of the coordinator's organizational structure in relation to the process of achieving the stated goals in the strategic plan. Strategic planning of regional development in the United States is based on total computerization, based on a single network of nine economic regions of the country, which is the basis for a comprehensive approach to regulating regional development in accordance with national strategy, establishing the format of effective plans and reports and procedures. in case of non-compliance, personal responsibility for achieving results. In Canada, it is important in strategic planning to test the tools provided for in the strategic plan in certain territorial areas of administrative entities. The mechanism for implementing strategic planning in Japan is based on a strong focus on achieving group goals, whereby the central government determines the range of tools for regional development, regional bodies are responsible for its implementation, and private business plans its activities based on national strategy indicators. Improving foreign experience should be built taking into account the specifics of our country.

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