
The abstract deals with the issues of creating and using the author's mobile application Word Memorizer according to the requirements of the Language Program for universities / faculties of foreign philology for second-year students majored in philology on such topics as Theater, Sport, Choosing a Career and “Health”. The stages and methods of mastering vocabulary by students of higher education establishments majoring in philology were analyzed, the features of mobile applications that help learn new words and the types of exercises and tasks they include were considered. The authors substantiated their choice of exercises for the author's mobile application Word Memorizer. About 500 lexical items (more than 100 words for each of the topics) were introduced into the application. To form the lexical competence of students majored in philology the following stages of work with vocabulary were introduced: semantization (acquaintance with new words); automation (formation and initial consolidation of skills of using lexical units); reproduction (improvement and development of skills of using mastered lexical units in different types of speech activity). To test the effectiveness of the application its approbation was conducted in order to form lexical skills of students on the mentioned above topics. The approbation was carried out in three stages: 1) preparatory, 2) executive, 3) final. At the first stage, the words were divided according to the level of difficulty according to the scale of the Common European Framework of References, the goals and objectives of the exercises. The evaluation criteria were defined, and a diagnostic dictation was performed. At the second stage, the application was used and students were consulted. At the third stage, a control test was conducted and the results of the study were summed up. The article also presents the results of testing the use of the aforementioned application by second-year students majoring in English language and literature.

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