
The article discusses the definition of interdisciplinary links between physics and vocational subjects as one of the ways of developing natural science, engineering and technology competences in students of specialty 014.10 Secondary Education (Labour training and technology). It is stated that the training of students in higher education institutions has been and remains a current problem in the educational process. At the same time, special attention is being paid to the development of the ability of specialists to acquire competence sufficiently well, which is defined in the curricula of general secondary education establishments and, at the same time, provided for in the educational system vocational programmes in higher education for all pedagogic specialities, in particular 014 Secondary education (Vocational training and technology). The authors, using the example of physics as a fundamental discipline, and a number of general and specialized training for teachers of labour studies, define interdisciplinary relationships as a teaching tool, which provides an integrated approach to the formation and acquisition of educational content. Such an approach makes it possible to take a new look (to clarify, to deepen, to transfer) to a multitude of concepts and phenomena of physics in terms of their transfer from the field of general scientific knowledge to that of vocational education and technology. As a result, a process of integration from different fields of knowledge is under way and linkages are established, both between the basic concepts and their derivatives, and between these most derivatives, as long as they are bound by the common roots. Moreover, it should also be noted that technical and technological knowledge is inherently integrative. Thus, we have an interdisciplinary integration of links, the identification and study of which, according to the authors, will make it more effective to build competence in the fields of natural science, engineering and technology.

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