
In this article, the author states that the competitiveness and successful development of hotel enterprises depends not only on the quality of personnel, but also on the ability to realize the potential of each employee to achieve the strategic goals of the enterprise, therefore, hotel complex enterprises have to constantly search for effective ways of forming and developing personnel potential for the long term. This work also proves that high quality of service at hospitality industry enterprises is provided by professionally trained workers who need constant updating and improvement of their knowledge, skills, and abilities, so the achievement of such goals can be facilitated by comprehensive, well-thought-out, systematic in-house training directly at the workplace. the author of this work also determined that the most effective work on retraining employees can be carried out during the work of one's own training center. The article states that the goals of the hotel-based training center organization are: to increase the efficiency of the hotel enterprise through comprehensive training of senior and middle managers; prepare the company for changes and remove employees' resistance to innovations, making them supporters and active participants of changes; formation of a unified management ideology in the company and a general conceptual apparatus; formation of unified corporate values and corporate culture; generation of ideas, stimulation of continuous development of the organization; teach employees a comprehensive approach to solving work issues that arise in the course of economic activity; to give skills in the practical use of modern approaches to business and realize the company's competitive advantage.

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