
The teaching process needs a good teaching method to obtain the academic goals, and this process did not reach success without the teacher adopting a correct method in the teaching process. And if the teacher does not choose the appropriate method of teaching, then he will fail in the teaching process. Away from this failure, the teacher must use the appropriate method in teaching to achieve the desired objectives in the educational process. The active learning method is one of the effective and attractive way in conducting the teaching and learning process, in this way the teacher attracts students' attention a lot because it exercises the students an active role in the learning process, by interacting with what they hear, watch or read in the classroom, and they observe, compare, and explain, generate ideas, and communicate with colleagues and mentors in an easy and flexible way. So students never feel bored and confused while learning. This research aims to find out the effect of application active learning in improving the language skills of students in Alfityan Aceh Islamic Junior High School. The researcher uses the experimental curriculum as the basic curriculum, and the community for this research is all students from the second grade of the Islamic Junior High School, which number 124 students. As for his sample, it is the students from the second grade (b) as the control group, and the students from the second grade (c) as the experimental group, as their number is 38. The research tools in this research are direct observation, personal interview, pre-tests and post-tests. And in the teaching process, the researcher applied the Card method in teaching the skill of listening and reading, solving problems in teaching writing skills and grammar, and playing roles in teaching the skill of speaking. As for the results obtained by the researcher, it is that the application of active learning has a positive effect in raising students' ability and efficiency in controlling the Arabic language. The evidence for this statement, as we see in the hypothesis test, is that the statistic t score = 4,85 is greater than the significant result of the significance level 3,5822 = 9.99% (0.001)

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