
The problem of this research is that many students still stutter in reading Arabic texts because the methods used by the teacher have not been able to attract the students interest. Therefore, there is a need for appropriate educational means to train students Arabic text reading skills, like a comic. This research aims to find out the effectiveness of comics to improve the reading skill of the students of the Integrated Islamic Middle School "Mutiara Cendekia" Lubuklinggau. In this research, the authors used the quantitative research method by designing true experimental research. As for the research community, it consists of the eighth class students. The research tools used in this research are observation, test and documentation. From the results of the research, the researcher decided that the different grades of the two classes, so that t-statistics is 2,155 is greater than that of t-table 5% is 2,024. And sig-2 tailed it is 0,38 less than 0,05. The researcher concluded that the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternate hypothesis is acceptable, meaning that there is the effectiveness of comic to improve the reading skill of the students.

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