
Abstract : In the context of learning Arabic, mahārat al-kalām is one of the main skills that must be mastered by students and is one of the ultimate goals of learning a foreign language. In learning the success or failure of a learning objective greatly influences the learning methods and concepts used, one interesting method to use is the inductive method, namely a method whose learning concept is student centered (student centered learning) so that learning is more effective and enjoyable. The objectives of this research are (1). To find out the process of learning speaking skills using the inductive method, (2). To find out the difficulties and provide solutions in learning mahārat al-kalām using the inductive method, (3). To determine the level of effectiveness of using the inductive method in improving Madrasah Aliyah Qamarul Huda Bagu. The approach used in this study is a mixed method approach with an Exploratory Sequential Design research design, namely this strategy relies on collecting and analyzing qualitative data first, then moving on to the process of collecting and analyzing quantitative data. The result of this study is that learning mahārat al-kalām uses the inductive method which is carried out through 2 stages (1). Students are asked to express or describe using Arabic whose theme is given by the teacher, then the teacher analyzes and helps students improve their sentence structure. (2). Students infer language rules from examples of conversations and descriptions that have been done. Maharah Kalam learning using the inductive method at the Qamar al-Huda Bagu aliyah madrasah was declared effective with the results of the t test: t-test > ttable (14.661 > 1.66901) with a 95% confidence level. Then the significance value with SPSS is sig. (2-tailed) of .000 < 0.05.

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