
The article examines the essence of the concept “special professional competence of students of the pedagogical high school”, studying on geographical and natural specialties and directions. The emphasis is placed on the consideration of the competences that are formed during the training of geographic disciplines of students of geographical and natural specialties and directions of the pedagogical high school. It should be noted that the positioning of the basic general and special professional profile (specialized) competences of the geography teacher is conditional. Under the special geographical competence of the teacher of geography we mean the integrative quality of the personality, manifested in the ability to solve typical problems, reflecting the connection of geographical science and practice with the goals, content and methods of teaching in the primary and secondary (profile) school. The theoretical bases of interactive learning and the methodology of using interactive technologies in the process of teaching to special geographic disciplines are analyzed. The conceptual apparatus of didactics and methods of teaching geography on terms related to interactivity in teaching are specified. The use of interactive methods as the basis for formation of special professional geographical competence of students of geographical and natural specialties and directions of the pedagogical high school is analyzed. In the methodical system of interactive learning for geographic disciplines, interactive methods act as ways of achieving goals-the formation of a special geographical competence and the content of training on the basis of pre-known specific patterns and mechanisms, that is, training based on the intensive interaction of subjects of the learning process with the educational environment of geographical education. The implementation of interactive training for geographic disciplines during classroom lessons, extra-curriculum and independent work of students according to the curriculum and programs of geographic educational disciplines, taking into account cognitive interests and professional orientation of students are considered.

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