
The phenomenon of creativity of the poet and composer, Volodymyr Ivasyuk, is not fully disclosed yet. One of the reasons for this is that after the death of the artist in 1979, his name was spoken in whispers for a long time and the meaning of his work was keeping silent. However, songs of the composer broke the wall of silence and flooded the whole world.This article examines the influence of teachers, poets, composers, cultural and art figures, Ukrainian folk art, and the energy of the Ukrainian Carpathians on Volodymyr Ivasyuk, who is the founder of the Ukrainian variety.Highly educated parents of Volodymyr instilled his high moral qualities, love to all beautiful, and strong patriotism. A teacher of the Kitsman Music School Yuriy Vysnyuk included works of such composers as Beethoven, Mozart, Schubert, Tchaikovsky, and Lysenko to the Volodymyr’s repertoire. Yuriy Vysnyuk claims in his memoirs that Volodymyr Ivasyuk was in love with Ukrainian folk songs. The talent of V.Ivasyuk was polished in such artistic collectives of the Chernivtsi Medical Institute as the Song and Dance Ensemble “Trembita” (head Volodymyr Kryyak) and VIA “Carpathians” (directed by Valery Gromtsev). Volodymyr brought his songs “Chervona Ruta” and “Vodogray” exactly to Valery Gromtsev.The Ukrainian folk art was the inspiration for the talented artist. Volodymyr participated in folk expeditions of his father, recorded old songs and ballads, and was fond of the beauty of the Ukrainian Carpathians. Volodymyr was creating his various landscapes and portraits under the impression of the beauty of the Carpathians.1971 was the beginning of the creative collaboration with the future luminaries of the Ukrainian variety Sofiya Rotaru, Vasyl Zinkevich and Nazariy Yaremchuk. Professor Leszek Mazepa gave adequate knowledge and creative skills to Volodymyr during his studying at the Lviv National Academy of Arts named after M. Lysenko. Since 1972, V.Ivasyuk began his creative collaboration with Lviv poets Rostislav Bratuniu, Bohdan Stelmakh, Roman Kudlik, and Mykolay Petrenko. Rostislav Bratuniu once said the following words: “The phenomenon of Volodymyr Ivasyuk is that he intuitively formally has managed to create a peculiar code of contemporary Ukrainian songs”. V. Ivasyuk headed the Creative Youth Club in Lviv with a very wide range of activities, which stimulated him to popularize his works and gave birth to new songs.

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