
The ideological foundation of artificial intelligence as a scientific and applied field is an exact epistemology (EE), which is the study of the interaction of the cognizing subject and the corresponding object of cognition through heuristics and reasoning logics that generate new knowledge and its acceptance. Formal means of exact epistemology – languages of knowledge representation and logic of reasoning – and their practical implementation in computer systems provide constructive imitation and strengthening of some aspects of human intelligent activity. The formalization of cognitive activity is extremely in demand in the humanities, in particular, in the sciences of human and society. From the point of view of exact epistemology, a sociological poll – a traditional form of sociological research – is the interaction of the theoretical intelligence (one of the key concepts of EE) of the researcher and the respondents’ common sense. For a correct description of social reality, the question of the respondents’ rational perception of the elements of the questionnaire and the measure of rationality of individuals and their groups is not the last one. The scientific and constructively implemented apparatus of exact epistemology is the JSM-method of automated research support. The method has logical means for presenting opinions, as well as the formal presentation of a closed sociological poll. The instrumental capabilities of the JSM method provide a reasonable acceptance of new knowledge based on an expanded concept of rationality, including rationality as an argued opinion and argumentation, supported by formalized heuristics and the transformation of unclear ideas into precisely defined concepts.

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