
Abstract . Due to the process of globalization and international cooperation, there is an increased interest of Ukrainian linguists, translators, and specialists of various branches of science and technology to the study of structural and semantic peculiarities of English and Ukrainian agricultural multicomponent terms and their translation. Term is a word or phrase used to describe a thing or to express a concept, especially in a particular kind of language or branch of study. It is a word or phrase that means clearly defined concept of a special science, technology, art, social life, etc. The specific meaning of the defined term can be understood only through the context. The term is usually characterized by its consistency, availability of the definition, monosemy, stylistic neutrality, lack of imagery, emotional colouring, etc. The article deals with the study of the main features of multicomponent terms, their translation peculiarities, in particular the contradictory nature of this concept in the process of English agricultural terminology translation. The main features of terminology as a special layer of the linguistic dictionary are characterized and analyzed taking into account the specificity of multicomponent terminology, which makes the translation process rather complicated. The work states that a multicomponent, semantically integral combination formed by means of two, three or more elements is a terminological unity that forms an integral concept. It is determined that multicomponent terms complicate the translation process, because complex logical-semantic subordination of the components of the term-phrase can lead to the loss of the semantic integrity of the concept. Each additional component of the terminological model complements the meaning of the concept, and thus complicates the process of formation of a holistic concept to denote a multicomponent term. The article highlights some tendencies of the formation of multi-word combinations in agricultural terminology. The most common structural models of multicomponent terms are revealed, structural and semantic peculiarities of multi-component terms are analyzed.

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