
2014 brought new changes to the life of the peoples of the Crimean Republic. Ethnic communities living in the region had to undergo numerous transformations over the next quarter century. Of course, great difficulties fell on the lot of ethnic communities, which underwent various kinds of impact on their lives from the part of state authorities in the 1940–1950s. Back in the 1920–1930s, Soviet Koreans also found themselves in the south of the country for various reasons. Mostly they arrived in these regions in order to solve the problem of strengthening the state food base. They shared their experience in growing high-yielding rice culture varieties at that time. Separate groups of Koreans also appeared on the territory of the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, in the Donbass ... Many of them, integrating into the local society, settled for permanent residence in the selected region. Methods. In the course of preparing the article, the author used the methods of historical and systemic research, the method of comparative analysis, and especially when revealing the general picture of population migration, in particular, Korean. The historiography and source base of the problem are presented. The results of the conducted sociological surveys of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea on the territory of Ukraine were of great help. Results. The article reveals the migration processes that took place in the Korean environment, partially quantifies their characteristics in relation to the Republic of Crimea, shows the causes of migration processes, the difficulties of living conditions. Of course, attention was also paid to the current state of the Korean community, the development of social processes in its environment after 2014. This is primarily participation in the farming movement in the system of multinational Crimea. This trend was adopted in the Korean environment. The pace of its development remained different. Integration into the local society, the economic sphere did not deny the development of such a side of the community as the revival and preservation of its original culture in cooperation with the cultures of the peoples living in the Republic of Crimea.


  • Ключевые слова: Крым, Украина, Союз ССР, Российская Федерация, корейская общность, миграция, трудовая деятельность, институты гражданского общества, интеграция, социум, повседневность

  • Separate groups of Koreans appeared on the territory of the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, in the Donbass

  • The results of the conducted sociological surveys of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea on the territory of Ukraine were of great help

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Отечественная история National History

2014 год внес новые изменения в жизнь народов Крымской Республики. Большие трудности выпали на долю этнических общностей, перетерпевших в 1940–1950-е годы разного рода воздействия на их жизнь со стороны государственных органов власти. Интегрируясь в местный социум, обосновывались на постоянное жительство в избранном регионе. В ходе подготовки статьи автор использовала методы историкосистемного исследования, метод сравнительного анализа, особенно при выявлении общей картины миграции населения, в частности корейского. В статье раскрыты происходившие в корейской среде миграционные процессы, выявлены частично их количественные характеристики применительно к Республике Крым, показаны причины миграционных процессов, трудности жизненного обустройства. Интеграция в местный социум, экономическую сферу не отрицала развития и такой стороны жизни общности, как возрождение и сохранение ее самобытной культуры во взаимодействии с культурами проживающих в Республике Крым народов

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