
Wind and string instruments belong to the oldest types of musical instruments. They emerged as a result of a complex development process of aerophones and chordophones. This became possible due to the general development of musical culture, changes in social conditions, and the increasing complexity of tasks faced by composers and musicians. The subject of our research is the genesis and development of groups of aerophones and chordophones in Ukrainian musical culture. The aim of the scientific inquiry is to study the evolutionary processes in the formation of wind and string instruments in the territories of Ukraine from ancient to the present times. During the preparation of the monograph chapter, general scientific and specialized approaches and methods were used: collection and processing of information regarding the evolutionary development of orchestral instruments, historical approach and within this one the historical-chronological method, method of comparative analysis, and socio-cultural approach. The research methodology is based on the comprehensive combination of the following methods: analytical – in the study of scientific and methodological literature; organological – in the analysis of the features of the construction of string and wind instruments; comparative – in the analysis of performance techniques on instruments in different historical periods; historical – in revealing the influence of historical factors on the formation of aerophones and chordophones in the musical culture of Ukraine.The conclusions drawn from the conducted research can be summarized as follows: Summarizing the lengthy and complex process of evolution of folk and classical violin models in Ukraine.It can be concluded that the violin in its classical form gained wide popularity in Ukraine during the 15th-16th centuries due to close trade and cultural ties with Western Europe. Professional Ukrainian craftsmen engaged in the production of string instruments adhered to the traditions and canons of European schools, primarily Italian and Polish.A significant factor in the development of the professional violin school in Ukraine was the ancient and strong traditions of making string instruments in the work of folk masters. Folk violins in different regions were made according to local traditions and very often with violations of basic classical canons, namely: instability of canonical violin parameters; giving the contour of the violin and its details of their own forms; decorative ornamentation of the body and other parts of the instrument. However, a significant number of such masters contributed to the development of folklore performance in the territories of Ukraine, the formation of ensembles (trio music), and folk music orchestras, which undoubtedly influenced the development of professional instrumental performance.Alongside the violin, other instruments of the string group of chordophones were actively developing in Ukraine: cello (bass), double bass, lyre (lyre bass). They were involved in folk-instrumental ensembles (primarily the "trio music") and orchestras, but during the 18th-19th centuries – in professional collectives.The multifaceted evolution of aerophones in folk-instrumental sphere actively contributed to the formation, alongside ensemble and orchestral, also of solo-performing style. Relying on folk singing creativity, certain performing methods were determined by the system of artistic means, forming a separate gene pool of Ukrainian wind performing school with its emotional breadth and multifacetedness. By the end of the 18th – beginning of the 19th centuries, the main tendencies of Ukrainian musical performing art were determined.Thus, for many centuries, a diverse folk musical instrumentarium existed in the territories of Ukraine. In the process of historical development of the people's musical culture, this instrumentarium underwent significant evolution. The development of wind instruments occurred through changes in pitch (invention of playing holes) and improvement of sound production mechanisms (creation of a whistle device and mouthpiece). The development of string instruments consisted of sound reinforcement, search for new timbres, and expansion of the sound range by increasing the number of strings and improving their sound quality. The conducted research does not limit all aspects of the chosen topic. The creativity of domestic masters of musical instruments, constructive features, technical and sound capabilities of modern string and wind instrumentarium were left beyond attention. These and other issues may be addressed in future scientific research.

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