
The article deals with actual problems of formation and development of effective local self-government in Ukraine, factors of development of locally-territorial society, his initiative and self-organization. It stressed that among the rights and freedoms of the local government has intrinsic value because it is the organizational form of the association of the local community, the most important factor of self-organization of the people, the primary level of democracy, reflecting local political processes that determine the rational ways of development of local self-government and its policies. We study the dialectical relationship of local government with the problem of the driving forces behind the development of society, stressed the importance of local social interest, as the most important preconditions for the development of social processes in society, a place in the region in the system of social relations, its relative independence, individuality and autonomy. It substantiates the idea that the local social interest arises as a reflection of the aspirations and objectives of the local society and improve their quality of life, to provide favorable conditions of life for themselves and future generations, raise the level of public safety. Analyzed aspects depending on the development of social and local community on the number, diversity and quality of the necessary resources to meet the vital needs of the local community. Noting the importance of the resource potential to secure the local community on the territory and formation on this basis of their own interests and the territorial organization of local government, the creation of real political and legal mechanisms for citizen participation in the management of municipal affairs.

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