
The article substantiates the role and importance of effective use of communicative role-playing games in preparing students for a foreign language communication. Role play allows to take into account the psychological characteristics of students, their interests and inclinations, the scope of their activities, modeling situations of real communication, helps to increase students’ motivation to learn a foreign language, It is proved that role play is an effective means of creating a communicative orientation of foreign language classes in higher education. Methods, goals and objectives for the formation of a communicative model are highlighted. Role-playing has several functions, such as: educational, motivational, stimulating, educational. The main function of role-playing games should be considered educational, which determines all other functions. Playing as a means of guaranteeing a positive emotional state, increases the efficiency and interest of students, in contrast to the monotonous performance of certain tasks, memorizing dialogues and composing dialogues independently helps to improve speech, closer to real communication. Examples of teacher-student interaction are analyzed. Examples of the use of role-playing games are given, namely specific exercises for the preparation of dialogic speech, conducting role-playing games at the end of the study of a certain conversational topic. Students’ interest in theatrical productions, which promote the development of students’ creative abilities, was demonstrated. Teamwork develops listening to partners’ skills, creates conditions for mutual understanding, establishes responsibility for common goals, creates a favorable psychological climate. The success of the game is ensured if the teacher is able to meaningfully and variously organize the work, able to create an atmosphere in which there is no fear of the student before each statement.

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