
The article discusses the factors that cause significant scientific interest in the peculiarities of educational work with females, in respect of whom a criminal penalty in the form of imprisonment is being executed. It is shown that among convicted women, the widespread manifestation of the criminal subculture is not typical. It is shown that the content of the methods of educational work with this category of convicts is deeper, and their list is more diverse in comparison with the methods of such work with convicted men held in correctional institutions. The contradictory role of the psycho-emotional and socio-legal characteristics of convicted women for the effectiveness of the educational impact on them is indicated. Criticism of the absence in the penitentiary legislation of specially designated norms that would regulate educational work with female convicts is presented. Accordingly, in the order de lege ferenda, additions and amendments to Art. 109, 110 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation. It is concluded that there is a connection between the ideas of humanism in the domestic penal policy and a more meaningful penal regulation of educational work with convicted women serving imprisonment.

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