
Introduction. Annual feed crops are one of the main reservoirs for receiving high-quality feed, especially in the context of climate change observed over the last decade. Therefore, the expansion of intermediate crops as legume-cereal mixtures of winter crops for the production of high-grade forage in early spring are very important. Such mixtures form the forage yield, using the reserves of productive moisture of the autumn-winter period. Due to the selection of varieties of winter triticale, differing in duration of vegetation, it is possible to extend the term of its use in the raw material conveyor, especially when grown in the mixture with Hungarian vetch, and providing animals with full forage in the early spring. which is one of the promising directions of intensification of field fodder production. Purpose is to determine the effect of sowing rates and fertilizer levels on the feed productivity of mixtures of differently ripening varieties of winter triticale and Hungarian vetch. Methods. The research was conducted at the Institute of Feed Research and Agriculture of Podillya of the NAAS. Field, laboratory, mathematical-statistical, comparative-calculation methods were used. Forage yield were obtained by the method of continuous mowing from the entire plot. Chemical analyzes were performed according to the following standards: determination of total nitrogen and crude protein content by Kjeldahl method - DSTU ISO 5983-2003. The crude protein yield was determined by the calculated method by multiplying of dry matter yield on the crude protein content. The mathematical and statistical analysis of the results of the research was carried out using a dispersion analysis on a personal computer using modern packages of applications of mathematical processing of data Excel and Statistica 13.2. Results . It was established that in the winter triticale and Hungarian vetch yields of green mass in single-breeding and mixtures were determined by sowing rates and fertilizer levels. The lowest forage yield was obtained in monoculture of Hungarian vetch and winter triticale without fertilizers. Thus, it was at the level of 19.9 t/ha in Hungarian vetch and 27.7-29.3 t/ha in winter triticale, while the growth on the mineral nutrition background was respectively 6.8-9.9 and 7.4 -12.2 t/ha depending on the variety of the cereal component. The largest increase in the forage yield was provided by forage crops using mineral fertilizers at a dose of N 45 P 45 K 45. The highest forage yield and the crude protein yield of bean-cereal mixtures were provided with the ratio 50:50% using middle-ripening variety of triticale Polovetske (42.0 t/ha) and 75:50% - with early Polyanske (46.2 t/ha) and applying mineral fertilizers in a dose of N 45 R 45 K 45 . When cultivating Hungarian vetch with early-ripening triticale Polyanske average forage yield was greater by 6.2% than with the triticale var. Polovetske. In mixture of Hungarian vetch with winter triticale var. Polyanske was significantly higher crude protein yield on all variants of the experiment by 18.3-42.9% compared to the single-cropping and amounted to 1,160-1,288 t/ha at the maximum nutrition background. The productivity of binary mixtures declined slightly while growing winter triticale var. Polovetske 1,028-1,044 t/ha or decreased by 12,8-23,4%. Conclusions and perspectives . The productivity of the binary mixtures winter triticale with Hungarian vetch, which is regulated by optimum sowing rates and nutrition level, is substantiated. The best sowing rates of triticale with Hungarian vetch when grown on green feed is 50:50% with the middle-ripening triticale Polovetske and 75:50% with the early Polyianske , which ensured the forage yield at 42.0 and 46.2 t/ha, respectively. Mixed crops of Hungarian vetch with winter triticale provide the crude protein yield of 1,037 and 1,288 t/ha, respectively, with the Polovetske and Polianske varieties when fertilizing in a dose of N 45 R 45 K 45 . Further research will be aimed at establishing the competitiveness of various cereals with Hungarian vetch mixtures while growing on green forage and grain processing in order to improve the technology for their cultivation. Key words: winter triticale, Hungarian vetch, mineral fertilizers, sowing rates, productivity

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