
Field experiments and laboratory studies were carried out during 2018-2021 on the basis of the experimental field and the research laboratory of the Smolensk State Agricultural Academy. The following varieties of winter wheat were the object of research: Measure, Nemchinovskaya 85, Skipetr (domestic selection) STRG - 872317 (foreign selection); varieties of winter triticale: Consul, Nina (domestic selection), Nord-1173303 MS, Mikhas (foreign selection). In our studies, the studied varieties of winter wheat and winter triticale of domestic and foreign breeding were ecologically plastic and formed a yield of 5.5-6.5 t/ha. We found that the winter wheat variety Nemchinovskaya 85 at a yield level of 5.77 t/ha exceeded the varieties Mera by 0.13 t/ha, Skipetr by 0.77 t/ha STRG - 88237 by 0.17 t/ha. According to the yield level of winter triticale, the domestic variety Konsul stood out - 5.86 t/ha and the variety of foreign selection Nord 1173303 MS - 5.28 t/ha. The duration of the growing season for varieties of winter crops, depending on the conditions of years, was 282-339 days and corresponded to the morphobiological characteristics of these varieties. In terms of precocity, winter wheat varieties were inferior to winter triticale varieties up to 5 or more days. When overwintering plants (68-77%) varieties of domestic breeding for winter wheat Nemchinovskaya 85 and Mera; for winter triticale, Consul and Nina were more winter-hardy (by 3-8%) than varieties of foreign selection. The article presents qualitative indicators of grain evaluation, where winter wheat varieties Nemchinovskaya 85 and Mera were distinguished by their physicochemical properties; in varieties of winter triticale - Consul. So the weight of 1000 grains in these varieties was respectively: 48.2; 47.9, and 45.5 g; vitreousness: 73;72;58%, nature: 799;765;750 g/l; falling number: 313;303;261 s. The protein content in the grain of winter wheat varieties ranged from 13.0 to 13.8% and in winter triticale varieties - from 12.3 to 13.1%. The studied varieties of domestic and foreign breeding retained their genotypicity in terms of morphobiological characteristics, physicochemical, biochemical and technological properties. Thus, in terms of gluten content and its quality, both in grain and in flour, winter wheat varieties corresponded to the indicators - 3 classes, winter wheat varieties triticale - 4 classes. We found that the rheological and baking properties of flour in winter wheat varieties were significantly higher than in winter triticale varieties. The best indicators of these properties in terms of flour strength were in winter wheat varieties Nemchinovskaya 85-279 J and Mera - 269 J and in the winter triticale variety Consul - 156 J. The bakery assessment of the loaves showed that the Nemchinovskaya 85 variety stood out in terms of bread volume, surface, crust color, crumb structure, aroma with a volume of 993 mm3 and a bread score of 4.8 points. In a comprehensive assessment of bread from winter triticale grain, the best indicators were in the Consul variety and amounted to 655 mm3 and 3.6 points, respectively. At the same time, when using grain varieties of winter triticale in baking production, it is necessary to use wheat flour as an improver, from 30 to 50%.

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