
The article reveals the author’s approach to the implementation of project activities in the context of the university music and pedagogical education. The focus is on the problem of forming a positive emotional and value attitude of future musicians and teachers to project activities in the process of information and communication technology training. According to the author, an effective incentive in this regard is the disclosure of individual, personal and social significance of the development of such projects in the form of multimedia educational resources. It is emphasized that one of the most effective methods that stimulate the formation of a positive attitude of students to their creation is the installation on the subsequent use of the developed resources as educational and methodological equipment in professionally oriented disciplines for university training future musicians­teachers, as well as their implementation by students in their professional activities in the field of music education. As an example of the results of the development of such projects, the author describes the content of one of the multimedia educational resources aimed at studying music of the baroque era in the university music and pedagogical education and in the system of general and additional music education.


  • The focus is on the problem

  • an effective incentive in this regard is the disclosure of individual

  • most effective methods that stimulate the formation of a positive attitude of students to their creation is the installation on the subsequent use of the developed resources

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В этих условиях чрезвычайно важным становится формирование положительной мотивации к осуществле­ нию такой деятельности, пониманию её потенциальных возможностей как для освоения ими профессионально ориентированных вузовских учебных дисциплин, так и для последующей собственной музыкально-педагогиче­ ской деятельности. Принимая во внимание явно не­ достаточную мотивированность бу­ дущих музыкантов-педагогов к раз­ работке авторских проектов в про­ цессе освоения информационно-ком­ муникационных технологий, перед преподавателями, ведущими дисци­ плины с такой целевой направлен­ ностью, встаёт вопрос, как стимули­ ровать формирование положитель­ ного мотивационно-ценностного от­ ношения обучающихся к проектной деятельности?

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