
On the basis of the analysis of scientific methodological literature and systematic analysis of best practices, the problems of the process of physical training of students of music specialties have been formed. The main goal of the work is the study of the level of physical fitness of future teachers of musical art. The objectives of the study reflect the gradual achievement of the goal and provided for the determination of the peculiarities of the physical fitness of students of music specialties and directions of possible improvement of organizational and methodical conditions for the physical training of students. Material and methods: analysis and generalization of data of literary sources, systematization, pedagogical methods of research (experiment, testing), methods of mathematical statistics. In the pedagogical experiment participated 154 students of the first and second year of the Vinnitsa School of Culture and Arts named after M. D. Leontovich. Results Conducting an assessment of the students' physical fitness made it possible to determine the general tendency of deterioration of the indicators for the period of study, by the overwhelming number of indicators this was a statistically significant deterioration. According to the gender, the greatest changes during the training is the level of physical fitness of students. The basic directions of perfection of process of physical education of students of musical specialties are determined. According to the results of motor tests, there is a general tendency of deterioration of the results for the period of study. Conclusions Students of the first year of study had statistically significant (p <0,05) better than the second year students at the time of performing all of these tests, except for the test, which characterizes the level of speed (100 m) and speed-power quality (jump in length from place) Unlike the students, the participants in the study of young men, statistically significant differences in the indicators of physical fitness of students at different courses of study were observed on all indicators, except for the test running 100 m.

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