
Determining a child's physical fitness and degree of suitability for sports acrobatics at the stage of selection for preliminary training groups is very important and relevant. At the stage of recruiting groups of initial training, are coaches conducts a sports selection of children in order to determine the child's propensity for acrobatics. Purpose of the study – to determine the level of physical fitness of children aged 5-8 years at the stage of selection for groups of initial training in acrobatics of the first year of study. Object of the study: selection of children for groups of initial training in acrobatics. Subject of research: physical qualities of beginner acrobats. Research methods. The research used methods of theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical methods and methods of mathematical statistics. The research results were processed using the Microsoft Office Excel 2016 software product. The results. Theoretical research showed that the most important physical qualities for acrobat athletes are indicators of strength, flexibility and coordination. Determining the most promising future acrobats at the stage of selection for initial training groups provides an opportunity to ensure high-quality training of the reserve of athletes and stable results in sports of the highest achievements.

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