
In the article the results of studies to determine the level of total, free and bacterial ATP in the milk of healthy cows on the farm in Moscow region. The number of total ATP (bacterial, somatic and free), as well as the level of free ATP in the samples of milk were measured in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, using a special test system into a luminometer HY-LiTE2 (Merk, Germany) after a preliminary sample preparation. ATF bacteria in milk was determined as the difference between total and free ATP after the destruction of somatic cells. It is noted that when increasing the number of somatic cells in milk of healthy cows from 191,3±9,6 thousand/cm3 to 310,4±15,5 thousand/cm3, the total level of ATP is increased from 10389,8±415,6 RLU to 16637,0±499,1 RLU-free – from 5274,8±210,9 RLU to 10089,6±403,6 RLU, the values of total ATP higher levels of free ATP in 2 times. It is established that the level of bacteria in milk of healthy animals was (2,1±0,2)×104 to (1,9±0,1)×106 CFU/cm3, not dependent on the values of somatic cells and did not correlate with indices of total and free ATP. Determined that an increase in the number of microorganisms in milk bacterial ATP values proportionally increase. The figures may vary 1,5–2 times.

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