
The relevance of the study is based on the powerful impact of advertising on people of different ages and social groups. This leads to the need to execute high-quality, professional translation, considering the specifics of age categories, social groups and different fields of activity.Analysis of translation of advertisements and advertising slogans are aimed at determining tactics and approaches for translation to preserve the authenticity of the original text. This paper presents an analysis of the linguistic characteristics of commercial and social advertising slogans. There is no single definition of an advertising slogan in the scientific literature, so an attempt was made to define of the slogan in the context of marketing communication. One of the main functions of both social and commercial advertising is to provide information to the target audience and make it act as the advertiser wants. The language itself in oral or written form, has a powerful influence on people and their behavior, the article analyzes the language of advertising from a linguistic point of view and focuses on the phonological and semantic characteristics of slogans for commercial and social advertising campaigns. An analysis of 110 English slogans (55 commercial and 55 social advertising campaigns) showed the frequent use of both audio and figurative language in commercial advertising slogans, which make slogans more memorable, attractive and positively represent the advertising brand. In contrast to commercial advertising, sound techniques and figurative language are very rare in the slogans of social advertising campaigns.Advertising is the main tool for communication with consumers. It tells them about the types and diversity of products available for consumption on the market. Advertising is not confined to any age or gender. The ultimate goal is to sell consumers new items that have been provided by advertisers. Advertising not only does inform about the product, but also simultaneously transforms it into an image that becomes in the minds of the buyer inseparable from the actual information about the properties of the advertised product. One of the main functions of both social and commercial advertising is to provide information to the target audience and force it to act as the advertiser wants. Thus, the communication between the advertiser and the consumer in the conditions of the advertising process should be built on an understanding of the basic communication principles and characteristics of the social environment.It is necessary to consider that the level of communication is influenced by factors such as competition, common consumer stereotypes, the level of communication message and the place of its distribution. Due to globalization, there is an importance and need to convey the content of the advert in terms of the original meaning of slogans. The translation can be done by taking the slogan and turning it into a completely new advertising form. It may be professional and appropriate but can also be problematic because the original slogan was intended for a different audience and belongs to a different culture and tradition. The obtained conclusions can be applied in translation practice while working on advertising texts, and translating American adverts into Ukrainian ones for Ukrainian consumers as well as in further research into techniques to facilitate translations.

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