
The increase in North Korean defectors began in earnest after the mid-1990s. North Korean defectors are exposed to various human rights violations in their country of residence, but China defines them as illegal aliens and forcibly repatriates them. Forcibly repatriated North Korean defectors are mobilized for execution or forced labor in North Korea. The forced repatriation of North Korean fishermen who defected in 2019 is an illegal act that violates domestic and international laws. UNHCR and other organizations recognize North Korean defectors as refugees on the spot and prohibit forced repatriation. With this awareness of the problem, this article analyzed the problems of human rights violations occurring in the process of forcibly repatriating North Korean defectors staying in China, including the forced repatriation of North Korean defectors in 2019. It also proposed promoting the legitimacy of protecting North Korean defectors, applying the legal procedures for repatriating North Korean defectors, revising the North Korean Refugee Act, cooperating with criminal justice between the two Koreas, and securing the legitimacy of North Korean refugees.

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