
The article is devoted to the study of the representatives of the estates of the city of Shuya and Shuya district in the accounting and loan committee at the Ivanovo-Voznesensky branch of the State bank. The article substantiates the problem that the accounting and loan committees at the branches of the State Bank acted on the basis of the institute of public-private partnership. The article introduces into scientific circulation new archival materials containing information about Shuysky entrepreneurs in the post-reform period. The names of these persons are called. Their years of birth and estate affiliation are mentioned. There is information about the positions that Shuya entrepreneurs held in a given period of time. The author focuses on the reasons for the approval of these persons as members of accounting and loan committee. Information about the status of trade and property affairs of committee members, of their competence in a particular branch of trade, industry, agriculture, credit cooperation, their availability of credit in the bank is provided. The author seeks to follow the process of approval of Shuya entrepreneurs as a member of the committee. Particular attention is paid to the date of approval of entrepreneurs of Shuya as a member of the committee and the time they served in this position. The author comes to the conclusion about the importance of the institute of state-private partnership in Russian Empire in the post-reform period.

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