
The relevance of conducting forensic studies of weapons and ammunition remains due to the large number of crimes committed with their use. The greatest social danger is represented by crimes against the life and health of citizens, crimes against property, crimes in the field of economic activi-ty, crimes against public safety. Along with objects of industrial manufacture, homemade objects are received for research. Facili-ties are manufactured on production and process equipment using metal cutting equipment and pro-cess equipment. Often such products have a common source of origin. Similar products can be found in different regions of the country and appear as material evidence based on materials from several criminal cases. Among the tasks that the subjects of the preliminary investigation have to solve is the task of es-tablishing a unified method of manufacturing weapons and the source of their origin. This task is complex and requires the use of special knowledge in the field of material processing technology, trasology, physicochemical research methods. The manufacture of homemade ammunition is a rather laborious and expensive process. There-fore, criminals usually make a batch of ammunition using the same technology and using one set of production and technological equipment and tools. Consequently, the detected and withdrawn ob-jects will contain external (morphological) and internal (composition) features characteristic of one source of origin. As a rule, the place of manufacture is characterized by a certain situation, namely: the presence of equipment, tools and relevant materials; availability of technical and design docu-mentation; availability of special literature. In the course of the study by methods of trasology, the tasks were solved to establish the group affiliation of production and technological equipment and tools used for the manufacture of objects submitted for the study. In order to detect possible traces of metallization, a scanning electron microscopy method is used on an electron scanning microscope equipped with a microanalysis system. For placement in the mi-croscope chamber, fragments with working parts and chip roots were separated from the incisors, which were fixed on object tables. The study was carried out in a high vacuum mode using a backscattered electron detector. Determination of the elemental composition of the materials of the objects was carried out by X-ray fluorescence analysis using an energy dispersive spectrometer. In the course of a comprehensive study, group signs of production and technological equipment and tools were established, as well as the affinity of the material from which bullets, shells and cap-sules of homemade ammunition were made

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