
Celiac disease is a systemic autoimmune disease caused by prolonged gluten protein intolerance, which is peculiar for genetically predisposed people. The constant increase in the number of people suffering from celiac disease leads to an increase in demand for food products that do not contain proteins of wheat, rye, barley. The purpose of this study consists in grounding the use of compositions of gluten-free types of flour in the technology of bakery confectionery products of specialized purposes. The results of the analysis of the amino acid content of gluten-free flour compositions proved that the composition consisting of 100 % rice flour is incomplete (amino acid score is 16.6–17 %). The composition containing 40 % of rice flour, 30 % of flax flour and 30 % of hemp flour showed the highest biological value of the protein (amino acid score 48.7–97 %). The investigation of the fatty acid content of the compositions demonstrated that the samples, including hemp and flax flours in different ratios, possess a high content of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids, and the ratio of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids makes up 5:1–7:1. Samples of biscuit semi-finished products were made for investigation of the possibility to use experimental compositions of flour in the recipe of confectionery products. After tasting the samples, sample No. 1 (100 % of rice flour) – 91 scores and sample No. 3 (40 % of rice flour, 30 % of hemp flour, and 30 % of flax flour) – 89.5 scores, got the highest positions. When analyzing the chemical composition of biscuit semi-finished products, there was established an increase in the concentration of nutrients in samples containing flax and hemp flours. Thus, the protein content increased to 11.1–12.6 %, and fat to 4.9–7.0 %. The use in the recipe of gluten-free flour confectionery compositions based on rice, flax and hemp flours allows to obtain specialized foods enriched with essential biologically active components.


  • Введение Постоянное увеличение количества населения, страдающего целиакией, приводит к росту спроса на продукты питания, не содержащие белков пшеницы, ржи, ячменя

  • The use in the recipe of gluten-free flour confectionery compositions based on rice, flax and hemp flours allows to obtain specialized foods enriched with essential biologically active components

  • Ser. Food and Biotechnology, 2019, vol 7, no

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В результате дегустационного анализа наиболее высокую суммарную оценку получили образец No 1 (100 % рисовой муки) – 91 балл и образец No 3 – 89,5 баллов. Наиболее значительное возрастание белка и жира отмечено в образце No 4, содержащем 40 % льняной и 20 % конопляной муки. Установлено, что наибольшей формоустойчивостью отличался образец с содержанием 100 % рисовой муки, в остальных образцах наблюдали незначительное снижение данного показателя. 7,0 ± 0,05 52,3 ± 1,2 322,6 ± 1,4 высоким содержанием полноценного белка и относительно низким количеством крахмала, что определяет высокую пищевую ценность вырабатываемых на основе данных видов муки продуктов питания. Matos M.E., & Rosell C.M. Understanding gluten-free dough for reaching breads with physical quality and nutritional balance // Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. The use in the recipe of gluten-free flour confectionery compositions based on rice, flax and hemp flours allows to obtain specialized foods enriched with essential biologically active components

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