
The protein substances of the recipe components of bread determine not only its biological value, but also the structural characteristics of the dough for bakery products. In connection with the military aggression of the russian federation, the ecological, economic and food situation in the world has significantly worsened. This caused exacerbation of diseases, including those of the gastrointestinal tract, such as inflammatory bowel disease. According to the recommendations of nutritionists, , it is necessary to increase the content of complete protein with the maximum limitation of fiber in the diet of such patients. For this purpose, rice flour is a promising raw material with a low dietary fiber content. Rice flour contains less amount of total protein than wheat flour, but it is more complete. It was established that the limiting amino acid of wheat flour is lysine, the amino acid score of which is 0.44, in rice flour it is 6.92. The limiting amino acid of rice flour is tryptophan, the amino acid score of which is 1.61. This indicates that rice flour is complete in terms of amino acid composition, since the amino acid score of the limiting amino acid is more than 1. The difference in the protein composition of wheat and rice flour affects the structure of the dough. The content of raw gluten decreased when replacing part of the wheat flour with rice flour by 21.6-55.6% with an increase in the percentage of replacement. The elasticity, hydration capacity of gluten and its extensibility also decreased. The limiting amino acid in all bread samples is lysine, but in the control sample its amino acid score is 0.46, while with an increase in the percentage of replacement of wheat flour with rice flour, it increased to 0.82-2.10. In the sample with the replacement of 20% flour and more, the amino acid score for lysine exceeds 1, which means that the protein of these samples is complete. Considering the obtained results, it is worth replacing about 20% of wheat flour with rice flour.

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