
The present work is dedicated to the presentation of good educational practices, including methods and means of implementing innovations in the educational process. Exemplary school projects are presented, which are based on the principles of the STEM approach, combined with the use of digital tools from various fields. These project activities are suitable for implementation in the learning process both in face-to-face and distance learning. The innovative practices presented are in line with a large part of the recommendations set out in the framework for the learning skills needed in the 21st century (Learning & Innovation Skills – 4Cs). They enable the development of communication and collaboration skills, the creation of digital content, the development of critical thinking and problem solving, as well as the development of creativity and innovation. The described methods and tools are used in the preparation of teachers in various qualification courses conducted by the Department for Qualification and Professional Development of Pedagogical Specialists at Paisiy Hilendarski Polytechnic, Plovdiv. The teaching practices presented are based on the results of a three-year study of already trained teachers, who try them daily in the learning process and notice their positive impact on students.

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