
The article is devoted to the analysis of the features of the formation and functioning of the institutions of the Jewish religion as the ethnic religion of the Jews of Mariupol. The demographic aspects of the formation of the community are analyzed, in particular the statistics of growth from the time of active formation to the beginning of the First World War. The features of the formation of a network of religious buildings, namely synagogues and houses of worship as centers of community life, which ensured a full-fledged religious life of the community, were analyzed. An analysis of the system of administrative and management of community life was carried out. The history of the formation and functions of state and spiritual rabbinates, the system of functioning of spiritual boards as governing bodies of the communal life of the Jewish community are shown. The features of the functioning of the main forms of traditional Jewish life are analyzed: the organization of providing koshen food, ensuring the possibility of observing ritual purity (mikvah), the implementation of rituals of the life cycle: circumcision, marriage (hupa), funeral (functioning of the Jewish cemetery). The system of organizing spiritual and religious education, in particular Talmud-Torah (primary school for boys), primary school for girls, network of private Jewish educational institutions, is analyzed.

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