
Based on the analysis of regulatory documents (Law of Ukraine “On Educationˮ, State Standard of Primary Education, Concept of the New Ukrainian School) and scientific and pedagogical literary sources, the essence of the concept of “cultural competenceˮ is theoretically interpreted. The concept “cultural competence of primary education studentsˮ is clarified, which means an integrated complex of knowledge, abilities, skills in the field of art, personal qualities, ways of thinking, views, ideas, values, which ensures the ability and readiness to apply the acquired experience, provides the possibility to express oneself creatively, to discover and develop natural abilities, talents using visual arts, graphic art, sculpture, music, choreography, theater, decorative and applied arts and other forms of art. On the basis of theoretical analysis of the State Standard of Primary Education, Standard Educational Programmes, as well as own experience of practical work, the ways of forming the cultural competence of primary education students in accordance with the content of educational fields have been determined and systematised. The Arts education branch is determined to be the leading one for the formation of cultural competence in primary education students. Teaching methods in art lessons and forms of extracurricular work, which contribute to the formation of cultural competence of primary school students, are discussed. It is noted that for the effective formation of cultural competence in primary education students, the future teacher must possess a range of artistic and pedagogical knowledge, abilities and skills, necessary professional and pedagogical aptitudes, personal qualities, etc. Keywords: cultural competence, students of primary education, formation of cultural competence, Arts education branch, art lesson, content of learning, teaching methods, extracurricular work.

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