
The relevance of the study of newspaper discourse is self-evident, because this topic is constantly in the circle of interest of linguists for numerous scientific investigations. Discourse is one of the key formative factors of the modern linguistic picture of the world and the speech norms of a particular society. Although there are several types of discourse, in the study we paid attention to newspaper discourse as a special type that combines a certain standardization and expressiveness. It is worth noting that newspaper discourse is a period of printed writing that begins with the first industrial revolution, with the emergence of mass communication and culture, pluralistic views and ideas. It was the written stage of communication that complicated the communicative process, made it mediated, discrete in space and time. Therefore, we understand newspaper discourse as a complex sociocultural phenomenon that has become multifaceted in its explanations, multifaceted in its content and construction of structure. In the current realities in which Ukrainian society found itself, two years of quarantine restrictions in the country with the simultaneous total transition of printed newspapers to electronic media for the purpose of faster and "isolated" presentation of information, and especially with the beginning of a military conflict started by the Russian Federation on the territory of our state on February 24, 2022, studies of the main characteristics, functions, specifics, place and role of newspaper discourse among other means of mass communication are gaining considerable relevance. Therefore, we set ourselves the goal of researching the rhetoric, specificity, main characteristics and functions, means and methods of presenting information and forming public opinion of newspaper discourse in Ukraine in conditions of global social crises, to analyze the nature and main characteristics and functions of newspaper discourse, to identify its main means of influence and the formation of public opinion, to carry out a linguistic-cognitive, gender and socio-cultural analysis of the main concepts implemented in the newspaper discourse on the material of the modern official press in Ukraine. The speed of reaction of newspaper discourse to important events and phenomena in the state is vividly demonstrated by the radical change in its rhetoric, methods of presenting information and the means used for this at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation on the territory of our state in February 2022.

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