
This study aims to conceptualize the scale of brand personality for museums, and to understand the dimensions and attributes contributing to that scale. To achieve this, we reconstructed the brand personality scale proposed by Aaker(1997), incorporating the unique characteristics of museums through a critical review of previous research in this domain. Thereafter, we collected a total of 10,805 visitor reviews of the Beijing Palace Museum from an online platform (Dianping.com). The collected data were analyzed by considering sentiment analysis based on text mining techniques, enabling us to identify the dimensions and attributes of museum brand personality that elicit positive or negative reviews. The findings indicate that visitor reviews expressing favorable opinions regarding the museum's brand personality are closely associated with the dimensions of “Sophistication” and “Competence” exhibited by the cultural institution. Furthermore, negative opinions were found to be attributed to visitor fatigue from the vast exhibition space and the implemented epidemic prevention procedures within the institution. This study holds academic significance as it presents a measurement framework for exploring the brand personality of museums, serving as a foundation for understanding the visitor experience.

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