
In the discussion of Foucault’s method of subjectification, we examine the problem of truth. In Foucault’s study, the subject is either objectified by the truth or transformed productively through the truth. Truth is not an independent concept, but is produced by various types of restrictions and at the same time serves to secure the legitimacy of power. Truth arises in the process of cyclical connection with power effects. Foucault uses the concept of the game of truth as a term to describe the characteristics of this truth. How can Foucault’s later work not be governed in this way by subjects that have been governed in the system of truth so far? focus on the issue Therefore, Foucault is looking for the possibility of active self-actualization as well as the aspect in which the subject is subject to truth. This self-existential active choice of the subject is not possible by the content of the truth, but is related to the problem of how the subject stylizes the truth. In ancient times, speaking and writing became the principle of the subject’s inner action, and were used as the art of being considerate of oneself. They are not used to objectify themselves in the light of the outside, but to actively construct themselves through the truth. As a means of forming oneself, ancient writing is done as a way of taking care of oneself. It manifests itself in a way that materializes memories related to what is read, heard or thought. It is hoped that this thesis will be helpful as a method for the new practice of the process of truth formation and subjectivization in various fields of modern times.

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