
It is well known that one of the demands for capitulation put forward to Ukraine by V. Putin and his clique and the one that they use to justify Russian aggression is denazifi cation. Most people associate this term with Hitler’s Nazism and the desire of humankind after WWII to get rid of this misanthropic ideology, which enshrines the domination of one nation over others. In the late 20th century, no country in the world professed this ideology. Isolated marginalized groups that still keep following it are outlawed and have no infl uence on the public life of any country. This is equally applicable to Ukraine where Nazi ideology is offi cially banned. The matter of how to call a war unleashed by Putinist Russia is sometimes disputed. Some suggest calling it “Patriotic War”, others – “National Liberation War”. However, perhaps it would be better to call it the “Fight for Ukraine”. NRFU web site https://nrfu.org.ua/en/news-en/every-story-must-be-heard-8/ YouTube https://youtu.be/-2wATBxekro https://1drv.ms/u/s!Am4xBomp_lxngYJZYHEowLd-gCs0Sg?e=n9PumF

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